Exit strategy


It just recently occurred to me that I am going to have to get this baby out. I know that sounds silly, but seriously, I didn’t even think about that (i mean really think about it) nail very recently. Flash back to my previous deliveries. I have run the gamut. I have had 4 very different births that were each their own story, so different from the one before, never predictable and often painful.

What was I thinking???

I kid. I am not fearful, and I have no regrets about this journey, but I am going to have to get her out. It won’t be easy, I probably won’t look too pretty, and let’s be real, if you know anything about childbirth, you know there can be words. I’m not saying it’s bad, but here are words. Then I started thinking about April and Jarrett, innocently waiting in the room to see their sweet baby. They have never experiences natural childbirth, so I don’t want to freak them out, but I can’t make any promises about what will come out of my mouth. There will be groans and grunts, and these sweet people are just going to have to hold on for the ride.

That said, I can’t wait for that day. On this side of things that is what I am daydreaming about. The image of them, holding a baby, looking down at her sweet face and I get to share in that moment. I just can’t wait. Bring on the pain, bring on the groans. I am ready to see the faces of these deserving parents as they fall in love with their new baby.




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